Problems/Solutions #1

Posted on June 28, 2009

As we work more on our project plan, we are quickly realizing that the real world doesn’t always run as smoothly as we’re hoping it will.  The biggest problem we’re facing right now is getting into the labs at the Tallahassee Housing Authority community centers.

Our sponsor at THA is Larry Simmons, a Resident Initiative Coordinator there.  After talking to him we were excited to work in the community centers, but he shared with us the procedure for getting in and it seems a bit daunting to say the least.  We are going to need to complete paperwork and send them a proposal outlining what we plan to do before we can even tour the facility.

Fortunately, our project plan is essentially a proposal and that is really coming along.  At the same time, we can always work on developing the curriculum while we are waiting to get approval at the community centers.  Right now we’re going to really focus on those two things, until we hear back from the community centers.

For more information on our project plan, check out my Project on the Web site at  I’ll be posting pieces of the project plan as we complete them.  And as always, check back at this blog to see what’s new.